Land in Folio Identifier 3020/879226

Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 Enabling Works -
Part Woo-la-ra Landfill area

27 Feb 2024

Notice of Proposal to grant a licence under s32(12A) of the Sydney Olympic Park Authority Act 2001 (NSW)

Pursuant to section 32(12A) of the Sydney Olympic Park Authority Act 2001 (NSW), Sydney Olympic Park Authority proposes to grant a licence to Transport for NSW ABN 18 804 239 602 (Licensee) for works to allow construction and commissioning of the enabling works for the Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 Project from Parramatta CBD to Sydney Olympic Park.

The enabling works will involve the construction of a 320 metre concrete bridge connecting Melrose Park to Wentworth Point and section of dual public and active transport light rail line through the parklands to Hill Road on land being part Lot 3020 in DP879226, in Millennium Parklands, Sydney Olympic Park.

Submissions are invited from persons who wish to comment on the proposal. The proposed licence referred to in this notice will not be entered into before all submissions relating to this proposal have been duly considered.


Part Lot 3020 in DP879226, being that part of the Woo-la-ra Landfill, Millennium Parklands, Sydney Olympic Park (as shown in Annexure A)

Purposes for which the land will be used under the proposed licence

The land will be used for delivery of enabling works in relation to the Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 Project works including all required service and infrastructure upgrades, site remediation and site reinstatement works, and public amenity works.

In particular, the Licensee may use the land for:

  • the carrying out of the works, including the construction of light rail, bus and active transport routes; 
  • undertaking temporary works including installing and removing fencing, storing of plant or equipment and undertaking environmental assessments; 
  • repairing any damage to the land and any neighbouring land owned by SOPA as a result of the Licensee carrying out the works; 
  • undertaking commissioning and testing works required as part of the project;
  • works associated with the preparation of any plans, surveys, as-built drawings, subdivision plans and other documents which are required to be completed; and 
  • the exercise of rights under appropriate legislation.
Term of the proposed licence 

5 years from the date of issue of the construction licence to commence only after the conclusion of the submission period (subject to the receipt of any submissions)

How to make submissions 

Interested parties may make written submissions on the proposed licence, addressed to: 

Sydney Olympic Park Authority 
Attention: Senior Manager Environmental Infrastructure 
Level 8, 5 Olympic Boulevard, Sydney Olympic Park NSW 2127 

Closing date for submissions: Submissions must be received by 5:00 pm 31 May 2024 

Submissions may also be lodged via the feedback form or email at [email protected].

Carla Armanet
Chief Executive Officer
Sydney Olympic Park Authority 
Department of Planning and Environment

Annexure A

Area 1: Land in Folio Identifier Lot 71 in DP1191648

Area 1

Area 2: Land in Folio Identifier Lot 71 in DP1191648

Area 2

Area 3: Land in Folio Identifier Lot 71 in DP1191648

Area 3